Me,Myself & I

Me,Myself & I

Thursday, October 30, 2008

About Lee Su Kim (the writer of The Forbidden)

Lee Su Kim is an Associate Professor at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and specialisation in Intercultural Communication, Second Language Education. She is very educated and brilliant women. 
She gets her Bachelor in Education English language in 1978 from University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur and then further her study to gets Diploma in Education TESL in 1978 at University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Not only that, she success gets her Master in Education TESL in 1983 at University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur and lastly she gets her Doctorate in Education Second Language Education in May 2001 from University of Houston, Texas, USA.

She also loves to write journal articles. For instance, her journals are Lee Su Kim (1987) the use of free writing in the teaching of writing,The English Teacher, Vol. XVI Dec. 1987, 99-103 and Lee Su Kim(2004b) the Language Learner as a Complex Social Being : Perspectives from Second Language Acquisition, In Vethamani, M.A,(Ed.) Readings in TESL Vol. 2: Essays in Honour of Basil Wijasuriya. Kuala Lumpur: Sasbadi-Melta ELT Series. 

Besides that, she also active in giving her opinion. She is one of the Columnist for The Star, a leading English language newspaper in Malaysia for 3 years from 1993 to 1996 and Writer for children’s magazine on environmental awareness - Alam Pelangi, publication of the Malayan Nature Society. Not only that, Lee Su Kim also published her own book such as Lee Su Kim (2004) Malaysian Flavours, Second Edition for Pelanduk Publications, Lee Su Kim (1998) Manglish: Malaysian English at Its Wackiest, Singapore for Times Books International, Lee Su Kim(1996) Story and Grammar Charts for Form 1 for Penerbit Fajar Bakti and etc.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"The Color Purple" film-Discuss the roles of women as portrayed in the movie. (Provide examples on how they were treated)..

What can I see from this story is that women in this film are portrayed as a slave. This shows through the character of Celie where she was being forced by her husband to do all the households and can’t go anywhere without his permission. She also needs to take care of her children. Celie also has to listen to all that was been said and told by her husband and if she ignored it, she will be beaten or punished by his husband, Albert.

Besides that, women also portrayed as someone that are weak, has no right to voice out their thoughts and defend their rights, especially in the public. This show throughout the character of Sofia where she was been imprison because of she want to defend her rights and good name as a black women to the white people. She also was treated badly during she was in prison until she has been leave, she still be slave to white people. It is not fair to Sofia.

Other than that, in this film, women also portrayed as the symbol of sex. This shows through the character Celie’s stepfather where her father raped her many times until she got two children. Other than that, it also shows throughout the character Albert where although he hate Celie, but he still want to do sex with her to fulfill his desire. As a conclusion, woman nowadays should be independent and not just depend on men. They also can survive on their own although without men in their life.

"The Color Purple" film-Describe the changes that Celie and Shug go through (Provide examples from the scene)..

I have watched the movie, “The Color Purple” by Steven Spielberg. It is really an interesting movie and I do really enjoy myself watching the movie.

The film starts by introducing about the life of a poor African American girl, Celie, whose was being abused since she is young. By the time she is fourteen, she has already had two children by her father, (which is supposed to be her stepfather). He takes them away from her at childbirth and forces Celie to marry a local widower whom she calls "Mister”, but his name is Albert Johnson. Mister, who likes Celie's sister, Nettie, treats Celie like a slave, ask and forced her clean up his household and take care of his children.

Then, the jazz singer Shug Avery, for whom Mister has admired for many years, comes to live with him and Celie. Finally they become close friends and Shug helps Celie begin to see her appeal as a human being. They also became friend because of the nice and good treatment that was showed by Celie towards Shug.

After befriend with Celie, Shug, which at first is someone that felt her life is useless and always give up, get the courage to face with her father and finally she did it. Shug and her father already accept each other and their relationship became close again. The film ends when Nettie and Celie's children, Adam and Olivia, are reunited with Celie at last. Both Celie and Shug live happily with their own life together with their family.

Compare the story: “Tragedy of My third Eye”, by Suchen Christine Lim with news about child abuse from the newspaper..

There are some similarities and differences between “Tragedy of My Third Eye” story and article about child abuse case that I found entitled “Juvenile Killers Deserve Harsh Punishment”. I have read the story Tragedy of My Third Eye, written by Suchen Christine Lim. The story is interesting. I do really like and enjoy myself reading the story.

It is about a girl named Ping. She is a kind of girl that can be said as a pity or sympathy young girl because of she always was being bullied and discriminates by the people around her like her schoolmates, teacher and also by the women that she called as her mother. While the article that I read was about a sixteen- year-old, Lai Ying Xin was abducted and murdered. Before that, the victim was kidnapping and the suspects are worse than animals. So, there are some similarities that we can find are both of them were tell about child abuse.

So, from the both story, what we can found is that the second story is sadder and more inhumanity compared to the first story, “Tragedy of My Third Eye”, by Suchen Christine Lim. When I read the news, it really makes me sad and crying because of all the cruelty done towards the girl until her death. In my opinion, their family should take care of their child and make sure them in a good condition. We also as the people should be more concern and be alert with our surroundings, so that there is no other child or kids that are going to be the next victim for abusing case.

How to overcome child abuse..

So, how to come this child abuse problem? There are also many ways we can take to overcome this matter. For instance, parents should have loving aspect in their family. They also need take a good care of their children although they were very busy parents.

Then, government also needs to take an action to those who make abuses to the children. The child criminal must accept punishment to their attitude towards children. Besides that, people need to have civic consciousness. If every person has this criteria, I will guarantee that child abuse will not happen again. Love children like we love our self.

The factors that lead child abuse..

Nowadays, there are lots of news about child abuse. Everywhere we go, the child abuse’s stories are the hottest issue. Why these child abuses happen? There are many reasons why these things happen. First of all, busy parents. A mother or a father was busy with their work. When they came home, they were tired and sometimes, they will hurt their children to release their tension. Then, adopted child or illegal children.

The parents think they can do anything to the children because they not their real children. Although they are children, but they still have feeling and want to be secure in all time. Other than that, people want put a revenge child’s family. So that, the easiest way to do that by doing child abuse. Normally, they will kidnap the child and do sexual harassment to the child. After that, they will kill the child without think as a human anymore.