Me,Myself & I

Me,Myself & I

Saturday, September 5, 2009

My Opinion about Internet Business...

The Internet is one of the newest and fastest growing markets. Advertising, electronic commerce, online banking and online gambling have raised debate about the future economy. According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 7th Edition, business means the activities of making, buying, selling, or supplying goods or services for money. In the new generation, people tend to expand their business through internet which is called online business. However, people are question how are businesses evolving to target the online community and to meet the demands of the new technologies.

Nowadays, people were exposed to the social network in the internet. The common social networks are Facebook, Myspace and Bebo. For some of the user, they have their own objective when they join this social network. For example, a business person who joins the Facebook, he or she not only wants to make online friends but they also want to market their product and find the buyer. 

As companies develop their own communities, this brings some power to social networks like MySpace, Bebo and Facebook. Unfortunately, not all fans will interact with business created communities –so the business people will need to quickly distinguish how their community base is different perhaps in a different part of the marketing funnel but still valuable. They need to promote aggressively their product and give the good services. 

Then, some of the business people who want to expand their business through internet which is website think that online business start-ups don't need a business plan. Having a proper plan for the Internet business can have the competitive edge it needs. There are many great website on the Internet that has great contents, great artwork and a fantastic design. The example of the website that promotes online business is “”. 

Many people are under the impression that to make a lot of money from the Internet is to simply set up a website on the Internet. However, if you have the determination and the effort, you can certainly make your online business an incredible success and then only your business can make money in your sleep. On the other hand, the business website also will have their own follower when they able to get the online community’s trust. 

After that, the business people who are involved with the online business should always aware and alert with the latest technologies. It is because, only with the latest technologies, the process of selling, buying and also the transaction process will be easier. It also can save the time of the seller and the buyer. For instance, for most computer users, the (magnetic) hard disk drive is the last thing they think about, that is, until it fails. With flash-based solid state drives getting more affordable, the industry is looking at a likely replacement for the HDD.

Not only have that, the online business people also need to use the latest technology in term of software. Only with the latest technologies like Widows 7, Twitter Telepathy, and many more, they can run slightly with the technologies. People nowadays want something that can make their life easier.  The business people need to update with the latest technology to make sure their business get many profit. 

As a conclusion, business people can use online community and also the latest technologies to develop their business associated with their stores. The platform has many features and was relatively easy to implement, earning and to make money with it.

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